Made to measure is a tool that calculates and converts common measurements into contextual and relatable examples that can be visualised for stories and catered to a wider audience.

Made to Measure (Vienna, Austria)

Project with Ana Lucia Gonzalez, Becky Rush (BBC News) + Elisabetta Tollardo (Deutsche Welle) + Jonas Glatthard, Michele Andina and Julie Hunt (Swissinfo)

A hackathon on empowering linguistic diversity in newsrooms on Feb. 21–22, 2020 to mark the International Mother Language Day, which celebrates linguistic diversity.

We came first and won with our idea!

This was an amazing experience and looking back it was extra special, as this was the last trip I had for a while with work as we had no idea at the time, but the world was about to go in a lockdown and experience the Coronovarius pandemic.


US Election 2020

