A cross-platform approach, creating a distinctive, lively and easy to understand identity for a global audience.

In collaboration with 3 design teams in BBC News - 25 Designers.

The result of all this collaboration and sharing ideas was a style guide, this is essentially the kit of parts - of all the visual elements that designers needed to start creating their own content for their platform…

This included he colour palette / illustration style / type hierarchy / imagery / user interface and so on.

On results day whether you were on social media, on the website or watching the news channel… there was a clear unified look and feel across across all platforms.

The twitterbot which was developed by our data team pulls data from reuters and then generates a graphic which then gets tweeted automatically to our social accounts.

We put a huge emphasis on designing natively for social media.

In 2020 we knew this was a critical strategy, we needed to push our promotion on social which if done right, can be a fantastic platform for visual storytelling. We needed to take advantage of these native features, most notably on instagram stories which lends itself really well to quick & simple explainers.

As a global brand, we cater to more than 41 languages

We developed an internal graphic web tool for elections - it allows editors to choose from any language service, input the latest result… and from there they can download the graphic, which they can publish in articles or on their social media accounts.

Internal graphic generator tool for all language services

We achieved a consistent visual style not just across news website, tv and social but also on sounds, iplayer and the bbc homepage.

There are so many moving parts when you’re working on elections, and given the circumstances working remotely, we worked extremely well as a team, we are very proud of what we’ve created.




Made to measure